Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Alas, our first meeting has come and gone! God, I was so nervous, I really didn't expect the turn out!
We started our discussion with the end, I believe. Mixed feelings were expressed about it, some did not like how it left us hanging. Would Delaney be more positive towards Mexicans or would he not change whatsoever? But most seemed to have accepted the open ending and left to their imaginations. We discussed the racisim in the book, and being in Hawaii, the similarites we found between them.
Many different opinions were expressed and I'm very happy with it's result and I look forward to the next meeting!
Thank you everyone who showed! I hope you come to the next one!

Saturday, September 21
2:00 PM
Big Borders

Look for more advertisements around town and in Borders.
More information will be poster later.

Again, Thank you so much,

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Unrelated Cool Things I Found!

So the other day, I was shopping around and I bought this cool necklace from this lady named Sarah, she has a buisness called Aloha Bottle Cap Earrings. There's a whole bunch of cool things on her website with a lot of different styles to choose from!! There's earrings, necklaces and magnets and a lot of other stuff. Check it out!

Just had to share it with you guys!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I've finished!

I'm so excited! I've finished The Tortilla Curtian! As of right now I'm finalizing the discussion questions and other miscellaneous things. It's a very tedious job and now I fully understand the roles of teachers. You guys are great, to do this everyday- I don't think I could handle it! Anyway, just wanted to share my excitement for finishing the novel.

19 days until the first meeting! I'm very nervous. I hope it goes over well.
See you then,

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Look for these posters and hand-outs in the Borders around town!