Sunday, January 3, 2010


Ah, finally finished that book. I was so worried I wasn't going to finish it! I put post-it notes half way through each part of the book, with designated days. I was a day behind. But I read all day, and now I'm finished!

When I started the book, I didn't think it was all that sad. Liesel is a happy girl, living in a depressing era, but her story wasn't sad. Not until the end that is. When I closed the back cover, I immediately ran downstairs to hug my mother. Hugs cure everything! :)

Well, I hope people enjoyed this book. Bad choice for the holiday season, I know. But it was a good book, nonetheless. It's been a while since I've felt this empty after finishing a book? Does anyone else get that feeling after they complete a novel they've been reading for a while? Kind of empty and sad? I use to all the time. After I would finish a book, I would have to take maybe a 3 day break before I picked up another one. Quite an interesting habit it was....

Anyway, the meeting is still planned for this Saturday, January 9th at 2:00 pm, I may have to move it to 3:00 pm, but I'll let you all know.

Until then,
Happy reading.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Sararose,
    This is Marsha Skrypuch, author of Daughter of War. I have a Skype account and I would be delighted to chat with your book group if they were ever interested in hearing the real story behind the novel.
