Hey there!
I'm super behind on posting, but just wanted to post up here that the next book is
About A Boy by Nick Hornby. It's incredibly funny--Hornby's a British author, and I love the dry wittiness of British humor. It's a great read--short, light but actually very serious under the humor. I really enjoyed reading it, and I have a feeling that others will as well. The meeting will be held on April 16th at 3:00.
Unfortunately, the Borders on Dairy Road will be closing within the next couple months, so this blog is probably going to have to get a name change and the club relocated. For now I'm thinking Seabury as the place to host it--if another bookstore (Barns and Noble? I've heard it might be them) is put inside the Borders building it'll probably go there. It looks like this book club can still be held at Borders, but it may be the last one there.
Enough of this, however...go read!
See you then!